Upgrading Your Network Cameras for Enhanced Security

Are you the owner of a small business? If so, you may be using network cameras as a means of personal security. When you run a business, there is always a chance that someone will come into your store to try taking something without paying for it. Having thieves in your store can cause you to lose profit, which can also take its toll on your business. Because you don’t want to have people stealing from your store, you might feel a bit safer knowing that there are cameras that can catch them in the act if they even attempt it.SurroundVideo_40181

Although you may already have a set of cameras installed, it might be time for you to upgrade your system. Upgrading is a good idea because there are new and advanced network cameras that are always getting developed by Arecont Vision. If you’re using one of the dated systems, you might not get the best view. The advanced options often come equipped with several updated features, including assorted mounting options, forensic zooming, and motion detection. Along with these convenient features, you’ll also be able to choose from many assorted lens options on each individual camera. Before you begin upgrading anything, you can consider some of the components that are most important to you, such as day and night surveillance.

There are tons of network cameras that come in different shape and sizes. Some cameras have a sleek design that can blend well with the rest of the room. Most people will not even realize they’re under surveillance while shopping at your store if you were to choose some of the compact and discreet camera designs. If keeping your store protected is your main priority, having high-quality surveillance is a must. If you’re planning to upgrade your current system, you can easily check out the features of the many available systems, make comparisons based on what each one has to offer, and then have your new selection installed.

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How Megapixel Network Cameras Facilitate Loss Prevention

brisbane markets

Brisbane Markets Ltd., which plays a major role in Australia’s food industry by providing and maintaining a clearinghouse for the produce from more than 7,000 growers, recently decided to upgrade its surveillance technology to megapixel imaging. In order to facilitate loss prevention, access control, traffic, incident investigation and general surveillance, Brisbane Markets makes use of a video recording system that previously consisted of analog technology. This analog system had been in place for about 15 years and the company recently decided that a transition to digital recording would be wise. Megapixel IP network cameras were chosen to replace the outdated analog system.

Before the Queensland floods of 2011, Brisbane Markets had already begun to test a seven-camera system of IP network cameras with a variety of capabilities. The flood actually helped to speed up the transition to megapixel imaging because the whole surveillance system needed to be practically built from scratch. The company found it helpful to have had some previous experience with IP video prior to the flood, as that made the overall transition process easier.

There are currently about 100 cameras placed around the premises, and Brisbane Markets plans to add another 40 cameras from Arecont Vision in the near future. Types of network cameras that are already being used on the site include 1.3-megapixel and 3-megapixel cameras that can capture larger scenes in high detail, thereby enabling forensic investigations. In some places, the company has placed network cameras from Arecont Vision’s MegaVideo® AV3130 series, which is a unique dual-sensor, day/night 3/1.3-megapixel IP camera capable of delivering up to 15 frames per second. This versatile camera is well suited to the changeable lighting conditions over a 24-hour period on the company’s premises. Under low light, the camera switches from color mode to black-and-white mode with a different 1.3-megapixel sensor and the frame rate increases accordingly.

Through its experimentation with digital network cameras, Brisbane Markets has noticed numerous benefits of megapixel imaging, one of the most important being that it can cover a wider area with fewer cameras overall. These cameras also offered improved detection and greater reliability, thereby lowering crime levels in the area.

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What To Know About The Resolution Of Network Surveillance Cameras


If you are shopping around for a video security system you may find it confusing when trying to figure out the quality of the different megapixel surveillance cameras. Basically, the more megapixels a camera is able to capture the higher the resolution. There are, however, several other factors that need to be taken into account if you want to get the right security equipment for your particular needs. If you are working with staff members of a professional security company they will be able to advice you on the options and features best suited for your situation.

Basically a pixel is the smallest screen element that can be manipulated or captured by devices rated as megapixel surveillance cameras. If you zoom in on your computer screen each individual pixel is represented by either a dot or a square. Each pixel is one small piece of the entire picture. When it comes to digital information, the more pixels your camera captures the more digital information you will have to transmit over your data lines or store in a file. More pixels alone though does not guarantee a better image. You will want to find a camera that has a high quality lens that is sensitive enough to get the quality of image you want.

Megapixel surveillance cameras are used extensively when higher quality results are needed. The systems can easily capture enough detail to read license plates, monitor the activity at a casino and keep an eye on customer transactions at cash registers. The systems are sophisticated enough to be used in government buildings where security is vital. The more advanced systems can be used with other detection systems such as face recognition software. Despite their complexity, they are also simple enough to understand that almost any homeowner with even the most basic technical knowledge can install and use them in a matter of hours. If you are looking to purchase a system make sure and buy the right kind of cameras to help you protect your property.

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Is an IP Camera System Right For Schools?

IP camera in a school

There are many controversial subjects when it comes to schools, and something that’s been a bit of a bit of a hot button issue in schools the last handful of years is the implementation of surveillance using an IP camera. While there are obvious benefits and drawbacks to having these cameras placed in schools, the benefits seem to outweigh the drawbacks when some of the potential situations are considered. Here are some reasons that having these cameras in schools is something that can help everyone involved.

First of all, few would deny that the security of the students in any given school should be anything but the top priority for authority figures at said schools. Not only can an IP camera help keep students safe, but they can also provide surveillance at all times to help protect teachers and administrators who are placed in precarious situations. In any situation within a school, the lack of privacy should be a concern that falls far beneath a need for security. Other than obvious exceptions (bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.), having these cameras strategically placed around the school can help to keep everyone safe in various ways.

From a technological point of view, having IP cameras in schools simplifies things quite a bit for those in charge of maintaining the surveillance system. Instead of footage being physically recorded onto tape, as was done in years past, all this information is now stored digitally, which makes the retrieval of certain time periods much easier. It also makes navigation of the system much easier and more efficient. In short, it increases the ease in which the information stored on the surveillance system can be retrieved.

There are numerous additional benefits to having IP cameras placed in schools. In a nutshell, having these cameras can give extra security to both students and staff, can help their presence be that much more effective due to ease of use, and can simplify the lives of all those who would benefit from them.

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What To Know About Megapixel Surveillance Cameras


Megapixel surveillance cameras today are sophisticated electronic devices that allow very detailed recording or viewing of almost any type of location. The cameras convert images into digital files that can be then be sent over a cable or wirelessly by a router to a network. Anyone wanting to access the video or still images only need an internet connection to access the files. Because they are easy to install and can cover a large area they are used extensively for operations that need a very high level of security.

Unlike older analog cameras megapixel surveillance cameras today have high resolution lenses, which are one of the key components in the systems. The lenses allow for very fine detail to be captured. For example, the cameras can be used to zoom in to record license plate numbers. They can be used to focus on a person’s face so that facial recognition software can be used to identify the individual. The resolution is also high enough that even distinguishing marks on person such as tattoos can be clearly seen. Many times these types of detail are needed if a crime has been committed and evidence is needed to get a conviction. It is often difficult for defendants to dispute videos showing them committing the very crimes they are accused of doing.

More than one digital camera can be connected to a network. This gives users the ability to link many together so the video can be monitored from one central location. If the cameras are used in an office building they can be located in the lobby and on exits to monitor any suspicious activity. The cameras are especially effective when use in places such as casinos. Security personnel are able to zoom in and watch every detail of a customer’s hand movements if they believe the person is cheating. More businesses and governments are switching their older analog cameras to megapixel surveillance cameras because they provide more detail to help keep areas more secure and free of crime. For a good selection of megapixel surveillance cameras, check out http://www.arecontvision.com/

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What The Arecont Vision Resource Center Has To Offer


Buying a security camera from Arecont Vision probably leaves you giddy and excited to use it. When you have any sort of problem or issue with your camera, where do you turn? The Arecont Vision Resource Center located on the company’s web site can give you all sorts of help and answers. Whatever your question may be, it is quite likely that you will be able to find what you are looking for through the Resource Center page.

To start off, they have a quick ling to a list of frequently asked questions. This should be your first stop no matter what your issue may be. If you can’t find your problem listed under the FAQ page, the Arecont Vision Resource Center provides you with a checklist of things to do in order to hopefully get your equipment on the right track. If that doesn’t get you what you need, Arecont provides you with a customer support phone number, e-mail, or link to their online portal to get help as soon as possible. They even include a list of information to have available ready when you talk to a support technician.

If you are looking for even more information such as downloadable manuals, brochures, or even spec sheets, you can also find a link to that in the Resource Center. If you are seeking help with camera integration, you can also find information regarding that. Last but not least, you can search for relevant resources for your particular product simply by selecting the product family, category, and product line you are looking for.

 If you need help after purchasing your new security camera, the Arecont Vision Resource Center provides all sorts of avenues to get you what you need. They can help you try to help yourself, and if that still doesn’t work they can provide other options to help you out. From FAQs to direct online support and downloadable manuals, you are likely to get all the help and support you need by visiting just one page.

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Why Every Home Needs A Security Camera


If you do not have any surveillance equipment at your home, it is time to consider getting some. Although you may want to just trust everyone in the world, this is probably not the best idea. There are simply too many people out there who just do not have good motives in mind. Having a high quality surveillance camera at your home could make a huge difference in the safety of the people you love and your important belongings. To help you better understand the reasons for getting a security camera, here are just a few of the most important benefits to consider.

One important benefit of a security camera is the simple scare it gives potential attackers or thieves. If somebody is coming to steal something or hurt somebody, you can rest assured that they do not want to be on camera. Once they are caught on camera, they can be identified later on. Often times, just the simple knowledge that a camera exists is enough to deter a person from causing a problem. If you leave your camera in plain sight, however, the individual might just go out of its range. Instead, place your surveillance camera in a hidden location, but make sure there is a sign or something telling people that they are being watched.

 Beyond its simple scaring effect, a security camera has many other benefits. Of course, the main benefit of one of these cameras is that you can see what is going on without having to be there all the time. You simply cannot be watching your home 100% of the time, so a camera can record the things that you miss. That way you will know exactly what happened and who was involved if anything bad happens. Hopefully nothing bad will happen, but this is a good way to make sure it’s caught on camera if it does.

When you consider the safety of the people you love, it is an obvious choice to get a security camera for your home.


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Why your family needs surveillance cameras


Security systems are becoming more popular for residential homes thanks to the increasing rates in crime.  Surveillance cameras are a great addition to any security system for that added protection to your home and family.  Cameras are available to provide video evidence that has been recorded to help catch the people responsible for the crimes committed on your property.


The technology of surveillance cameras is increasing constantly which allows them to be found in all different sizes and shapes.  You are also able to purchase a wireless system that makes your placement unlimited and easy.  Wireless cameras can be placed just about anywhere which can make your surveillance that much more efficient.  Despite their size most digital surveillance cameras have a very long recording time.  You also have the option of motion sensors on the cameras so they only record when triggered on with motion. 


If you have little children adding cameras to your property is a great way to keep an eye on them when they are outside playing and you have to be indoors.  If you have cameras that are internet ready you can just log on to the computer and watch your kids playing safely outside.  Setting up these cameras in a blind spot outside is a great way to keep little children in your sight at all times.


Most would-be burglars or criminals will be discouraged if they see a surveillance camera on your property.  Over time these systems have become more affordable to the general public, so more and more people are choosing this security system to protect their homes and property.  Criminals are well aware that law enforcement is much more likely to catch and prosecute them if there is video evidence available.  These cameras can help you to rest in peace that your home, possessions and family are safer. 


Many criminals also get scared because they know they can no longer destroy the camera on site, the video was already transmitted via the internet to another site and sometimes a security hosting site as well so there is no erasing or destroying the crime evidence. 

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History Of HD Technology And Where The Industry Is Going

High Definition is defined as any resolution higher than that of standard definition, which is 720 pixels x 480 lines. Japan presented the first true HDTV analog system in 1983 at a Swiss Conference. This NHK system was later abandoned by the United States in the late 80s for a digital high definition standard. (China and Brazil have adopted different standards from this.) The FCC established resolutions of 1080, 720, and, 480 with frame rates of 24, 25, and 30 respectively. 

The first broadcast occurred on October 28, 1998. Since this time, the same technology has been expanded to include, HD film, HD streaming on the web, HD security cameras, and HD gaming. 

The same NHK that first developed standards for HD has declared standards for the next level, known as Ultra High Definition Television. It has a resolution of 7680 x 4320. This is sixteen times the current resolution of 1080p HD Television. The technology has been demoed at numerous conferences with the intentions of getting the technology into domestic homes between 2015 and 2020, with Japan and China possible getting it between 2013 and 2014. BBC Research & Development will be filming the 2012 Olympics next week with this technology.

For more information on the development of HD surveillance, check out Arecont’s site.



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IQeye Alliance-pro

Because of the fact that many manufacturers of security systems are involved in the design and production of different kinds of security cameras, the market is saturated with similar security cameras. The two most popular cameras used in security or surveillance operations are the Arecont Vision Network Cameras and the IQeye Alliance-pro. A comparison between the two can help distinguish the products made by the two giants.

IQeye Alliance-pro cameras used in security-related matters are normally referred to as vandal domes. The vandal domes are made of rugged aluminum, which is a form of aluminum that is reinforced with impact resistant GE Lexan polycarbonate bubbles. This helps protect the cameras from damage. On the other hand, Arecont Vision Network Cameras are made of vandal-resistant material. On top of that, Arecont Vision’s line of cameras are superior in all of the other aspect as well.

Although they are similar in size, the new cameras from Arecont are less expensive. These new cameras are about 45% less in depth-dimension and about 33% lighter than the company’s previous models. On the other hand, IQeye Alliance-pro cameras have not changed much since their first cameras hit the market. Even though the cameras are made with a lighter material, the overall weights of the cameras are heavier than their competitor’s products. While the IQeye Alliance-pro cameras are more costly, their overall capabilities are not anywhere near those offered by Arecont cameras.

Arecont cameras can work at about 42 frames per second (fps) at 1.3MP, which in essence allows the cameras to provide faster megapixel image rates. In addition, all the new Arecont cameras such as the AV1115 and the AV2115 are equipped with a standard feature that allows the cameras to work in Casino Mode. Casino Mode ensures full motion recording
at 30 fps, together with an automatic bit rate and exposure control, and this is called the Casino Mode because it complies with gaming industry regulations.

The multi-streaming functionality in both brands of cameras allows the cameras to utilize bandwidth more efficiently. However, as Arecont Vision’s MegaVideo image processing allows the cameras to perform about 80 billion operations in a second, the cameras are able to deliver high resolution images of the points of interest.

In conclusion, Arecont Vision Network cameras are better equipped with superior features and provide better security surveillance than the cameras produced by IQinVision, its major competitor.


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